Cars today offer you maximum safety and pleasure on the road. They consist of numerous parts and components which are perfectly coordinated to ensure reliable operation for many years. This Internet portal aims to stimulate your interest in these individual parts and components and provide further details about the technology found in modern vehicles without making the topic too dry.
Vehicle title branding is the use of a permanent designation on a vehicle's title
An automobile model is a particular brand of vehicle sold under a marque by a manufacturer
The vehicle year is the term used in the vehicle register to indicate the year in which the car is manufactured, meaning to say the same as the year model.
For the external costs of the automobile, see Externalities of automobiles. The car internal costs are all the costs consumers pay to own and operate a car.
Horsepower refers to the power an engine produces. It's calculated through the power needed to move 550 pounds one foot in one second or by the power needs to move 33,000 pounds one foot in one minute.
A cylinder is a vital part of the engine. It's a chamber where fuel is combusted and power is generated. The cylinder consists of a piston and two valves at the top; an inlet and exhaust valves.
A motor fuel is a fuel that is used to provide power to the motor in motor vehicles. Currently, the majority of motor vehicles worldwide are powered by gasoline or diesel.
Focusing first on popularity in terms of volume, units sold, inventory, stock however you'd like to define it, the end result refers to sales
Put simply, a car transmission is a vehicle's gearbox. It's roughly analogous to the gear shifter and chain system that bicycles use.
noun. a wheel, esp a gear wheel, that causes other wheels to rotate. any wheel of a vehicle that transforms torque into a tractive force. Slang.
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Vehicle market segments refer to how the car market is divided in order for alternative models of the same type & size to be accurately compared.
Define Vehicle dimensions. means the dimensions of the vehicle based on its construction, as stated by the manufacturer.
A Car's Body Style refers to the shape and size of your car, and with a multitude of various body styles, it may be hard to tell what's what.
Highway MPG is the average MPG for your car on the highway. Even though you’ll be driving faster and often for longer stretches of time
This number is the average MPG for your car in the city
Find your ideal car with just a few clicks. By providing detailed information about each vehicle along with user reviews